It can be frustrating to realize that your exam voucher is missing after updating your email address. However, it is essential to understand that your voucher is usually associated with the email address used to purchase the course. If you change your original email address without updating your voucher information, it may result in the loss of your voucher.

To resolve this issue, please inform us of the email address you originally used to purchase the course. This will help us track your voucher and update it with the email address you are currently using. Our support team will then assist you in updating your voucher information and ensure that you receive the voucher promptly.

It is important to note that updating your email address does not automatically update your voucher information. Therefore, it is crucial to inform us of any changes to your email address to avoid the loss of your voucher.

In conclusion, if you notice that your exam voucher is missing after updating your email address, please contact our support team immediately. Let us know the email address you originally used to purchase the course so that we can track and update your voucher information accordingly.