We stand behind our training with a 100% Pass Guarantee policy. We are confident that you will learn everything you need to know to pass your certification with our courses. As a matter of fact, we offer a free exam retake if you do not pass your certification within 60 days.
The 60 days pass guarantee starts immediately on the day you enroll in the course.
To be eligible for the free exam retake, you must fully complete the online course before taking your official exam. This includes watching all the videos, passing all the quizzes and practice exams, and completing all labs (if included in the course).
If you meet these requirements and still do not pass your certification exam, simply let us know that you failed the exam by raising a ticket to [email protected].
We'll check your eligibility for the pass guarantee retake. Once we confirm that you have completed the course and verify with Peoplecert that you failed within 60 days starting from your course enrollment, we will then process your retake voucher.
Please note that this Pass Guarantee policy applies only to the courses purchased from us. This policy does not cover any third-party fees, such as PeopleCert or Pearson Vue exam proctoring fees, and can only be claimed once.
For the CISSP course, we will give a full course refund as part of the guarantee, since we do not sell exam vouchers for the certification.
You have 30 days from the date of your failed exam to reach out to our customer service team and redeem your 60 day guarantee retake voucher and, for CISSP, a refund.
We believe in the quality of our training and want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. However, if you decide not to take the certification exam for any reason, we cannot offer a refund or exchange. All course and exam voucher sales are final and non-refundable.
If you have any questions about our Pass Guarantee policy or need assistance with our courses, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We are always here to help you succeed in your career goals.