When you purchase any of our courses, you will receive a comprehensive set of resources to help you pass your certification exam. For our ITIL®, PRINCE2®, and PRINCE2 Agile® courses, you will have access to high-quality, on-demand video lessons that you can watch whenever and wherever you want. You will also receive a PDF study guide with all of the notes for the course, quizzes to test your knowledge as you progress through the course, multiple practice exams to ensure you are ready to pass your certification exam, and our exclusive Cram Card which covers all of the key terms, definitions, diagrams, and activities for your last-minute studies before you take the exam. Additionally, you will receive your official certification exam voucher to take the exam online using the PeopleCert web proctoring service from the comfort of your home or office.

For our CompTIA courses, you will receive all of the same great resources as our other courses (except the exam voucher, they are sold separately), plus hands-on labs to practice what you learn and the official e-book from CompTIA for the exam.

We do not believe in trying to up-sell you into other products or services, so everything you need to succeed is included in your course fee. And, with our 60-day pass guarantee, you can be confident that you will be fully prepared to pass your certification exam.