At Dion Training Solutions, we provide our courses through our own platform, which allows us to offer more features and flexibility than what is available on Udemy. Our courses have no limitations on practice exams, include hands-on labs for CompTIA certifications, and can be sold with an exam voucher for ITIL, PRINCE2, PRINCE2 Agile, and LPI certifications. Please note that vouchers are not included in our Udemy courses.

Moreover, our courses are designed and delivered by industry experts with years of experience in the IT field. We strive to provide high-quality training that is up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

Additionally, our courses are delivered on-demand, which means that you can start learning at any time and at your own pace. Our platform is also mobile-friendly, allowing you to learn on-the-go using your tablet or smartphone.

In summary, while Udemy provides a convenient platform for learning, Dion Training Solutions offers more flexibility, features, and high-quality training designed by industry experts.